Sonntag, 9. September 2007

kleidung bei der jugend bitte beachten ;-)

in der hoffnung, dass boulevardblätter morgen nicht schlagzeilen wie
"TGM-student too sexy for Air Berlin"
auf der titelseite haben, begeben wir uns jetzt richtung schwechat, um auch diesen punkt nochmals zu überprüfen ;-)
aber, gott sei dank, wir sind in österreich, und nicht in den USA:

"Passenger too sexy for Southwest Airlines (LUV): Miniskirt gets waitress tossed
Picture this: You arrive for your Southwest AIrlines
flight early. You manage to avoid packing excessive amounts of liquids in your carry-on baggage. You remember your ID, you wait until your seat is called, you stow your bags properly. You're even prepared to turn off your electronic devices and stow your tray table and put your seat in its upright and locked position when ... you're asked to leave the plane because you're showing a little too much leg.
Haha! What is this, 1951? Nope. It's 2007, and a few months ago waitress Kyla Ebbert (who works at Hooters, where scantily-clad is a good thing) was escorted off a Southwest Airlines flight from San Diego to Tucson because her outfit -- a miniskirt, tank top, and cropped sweater -- was too revealing (I don't see any cleavage and she was wearing a bra). She put up a fuss and was eventually let back on the plane after a lecture on her dress, or lack thereof. "
